The type of energy used is a major factor in determining a product’s impact on the environment. While recycled content is good, it is not sufficient to reduce a paper’s environmental footprint as much as possible. The amount of water used as well as the waste and greenhouse gas emissions generated during production are other elements to take into consideration.
It is gas that results from the decomposition of waste buried in a landfill site, which has been captured to prevent its release into the air. It is then transported by pipeline over a distance of 13 kilometers to Cascades’ Rolland mill. The biogas collected is used as thermal energy to produce paper and replaces traditional combustible fuels.
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Waste Management operates the Sainte Sophie landfill and captures the gases generated from waste decomposition.
Gaz Metro compresses and transports the biogas from the landfill to the Cascades Rolland mill in a reliable and secure manner.